Predictive Analytics
Predictive Analytics & more
We use Big Data, among other things, as a foundation to set up predictive analysis for your sector, company and / or product.
How does that work?
A thorough intake interview reveals the themes that are important for the future and continuity of your sector, company or product. This intake will also reveal what the internal level of knowledge concerning markets, customers, legislation and trends are.
We supplement that internal knowledge with relevant Big Data from multiple sources. To do this, we use highly advanced software that can translate Big Data into information that is specifically relevant to the issues in question. The sources consulted by our software vary from Google and industry-specific databases, to a wide variety of Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the like. Social Media research mainly shows the opinions of users and the trends in the market.
From a combination of the information we have obtained from the company and Big Data, we make a future projection for our client’s company or product. In it, we specify the options for realistic future scenarios that help to increase growth and continuity. We go through these options with the client, followed by jointly making choices for the best future perspective. If desired, we jointly work out that chosen perspective in figures in a multi-year future financial projection.
Our methodology and thorough quantitative substantiation ensure a high level of realism in planning the future!
Curious what we can do for your company?
Fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.